Our Manufacturer + Partner - Living Dreams Foundation

Our Manufacturer + Partner - Living Dreams Foundation

Erika Austin Inc proudly manufactures specific collections + proudly partners with Living Dreams Foundation. A portion of each sale item produced by our partner is donated directly back to the foundation in order to support the cause.

Living Dreams Foundation:
"It’s 2022 and WE ARE BACK!
After a year long hiatus Living Dreams is back in the field with our artisans : guiding, working and empowering the women of the craft clusters  together with their families. 
For this year we have chosen to focus on 3 major goals as we strive towards poverty reduction and creating healthy, wholesome communities.   By doing so we hope to preserve the wonderful skills that these women have inherited from their ancestors,  and elevate their standards of living by creating sustainable businesses. 
Our 2022 goals are:
1) Creating women led livelihood models through design workshops, hands on training in marketable product development and basic business management education. Number of beneficiaries impacted estimated to be 1000 women by December 2022. 
2) Self care and Self Worth focused workshops conducted through fun and entertaining show and tell methods for women only. We will use outside guest speakers from the beauty, yoga and medical fields to teach simple methods of staying healthy. Estimated number of women impacted through the program: 300.  
3) Creating an awareness and education plan with a focus on self defense tactics for the reduction of violence against women and girls. Violence against women has gone up by at least 22% in the past one year in Bengal. 
In addition to the above we are committed to our primary mission. Poverty and illiteracy still remains the immediate need of the day among our hand loom weavers that we have identified in the State of West Bengal.  We are implementing an aggressive action plan that will provide employment to 500 women women while coaching them on life skills and reduced dependency on a patriarchal form of society that dictates their lives."
-Anu (Founder)
For more information:
contact anu@onesocietyglobal.com
Website coming soon. 
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